From demolition
to siteworks,
haulage to earthworks.

Trust Faulks.

The Faulks name had been associated with the Central Otago region for five generations, and each Faulks generation has left its distinctive mark on the history books.

In the 1870’s the first Faulks to reach the region, John Faulks, purchased the Mount Albert and Makarora Stations and the head of Lake Wanaka where he established sawmilling and flax milling enterprises to supply the infrastructure for the burgeoning Central Otago region.

The next generation of Faulks turned to the land and farmed extensive areas in the Wanaka region.
To farm, first land had to be broken in. This required bush to be cleared, track and roads established, ditches dug, bridges laid and all manner of other construction work undertaken. From this crucible of never-ending endeavour, the following generation grew up with a passion for machines, construction and earthworks.

Faulks Investments Managing Director, Tony Faulks’ passion has never dimmed for this type of work. It has grown over the decades. Not content to stay on the farm, he armed himself with a small bulldozer, a truck and a sawbench and started logging in the early 1980’s.

His dexterity with the bulldozer attracted work outside the logging industry and gradually Faulks became construction orientated.

In the classic word of mouth fashion, the quality and dedication the Faulks operation exhibited towards its projects attracted more and more work, and the company gained in size and extended its range of services.

These days, no other company in the region can rival Faulks Investments for scope of work, equipment, quality and passion for the job.

Meet The Team.


Corran Pywell
General Manager/Director
P: 021 386 794

Hayden Harkerss
Christchurch Project Manager
P: 021 929 441

Harry Faulks
Project Manager /
Health & Safety Co-ordinator

P: 027 432 2313

Donna Pywell
P: 03 325 7266


Tony Faulks
Managing Director
P: 021 329 496

Simon Asher
Queenstown Project Manager
P: 027 242 9484

Geth Lewis
Queenstown Manager
P: 027 6255 962